MK Sistem Kendali Cerdas

Sun, Feb 21, 2021


MK Sistem Kendali Cerdas


  • Kode : TKE194941 Sistem Kendali Cerdas
  • SKS : 3 SKS
  • Jadwal:

    • Kelas A : Ruang E-201, Jum'at 13.55, 3 mhs
  • Metode: Case-based dan Project-based Learning
  • Semester Mata Kuliah: 6
  • Sifat Mata Kuliah: Teknik Elektro Pendalaman (TED)


  1. Pendahuluan
  2. Dasar-dasar Logika Fuzzy
  3. Sistem Inferensi Fuzzy
  4. Sistem Inferensi Fuzzy untuk Sistem Kendali
  5. Proyek Sistem Inferensi Fuzzy untuk Sistem Kendali
  6. Proyek Sistem Inferensi Fuzzy untuk Sistem Kendali
  7. Pendahuluan Neural Network
  8. Neural Network dalam Sistem Kendali
  9. Neural Network dalam Sistem Kendali
  10. Neural Network dalam Sistem Kendali
  11. Sistem Neuro-Fuzzy
  12. Sistem Neuro-Fuzzy untuk Sistem Kendali
  13. Proyek Sistem Neuro-Fuzzy untuk Sistem Kendali
  14. Proyek Sistem Neuro-Fuzzy untuk Sistem Kendali

Referensi Utama

Referensi Tambahan

Neuro-fuzzy in Python


  • numpy conda install -c conda-forge numpy, pip install numpy
  • scipy conda install -c conda-forge scipy, pip install scipy
  • scikit fuzzy conda install -c conda-forge scikit-fuzzy, pip install scikit-fuzzy
  • scikit learn conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn, pip install scikit-learn
  • fuzzylite pip install pyfuzzylite
  • pandas conda install -c conda-forge pandas, pip install pandas
  • statsmodels conda install -c conda-forge statsmodels,pip install statsmodels
  • keras conda install -c conda-forge keras, pip install keras
  • anfis pip install anfis
  • bokeh conda install -c conda-forge bokeh, pip install bokeh
  • fuzzycmeans pip install fuzzycmeans

Downgrade Python for installing keras and tensorflow

  • python --version
  • conda search python : check installed version of python
  • conda install python=3.6.0: downgrade to your preferred python
Buy me tea or coffee ;)
Written by

Imron Rosyadi

notes of a life