- Workflows
- Tips
- Open Source Blog
- Decentralized
- Gmail
- App List
- Functional Web
- Ensembling
- Learning
- Desktop
- Food
- Microcontroller and Python
- Statistical Tools
- Flight Dynamics
- CNN Sliced Inference
- Deep Learning Noise Cancellation
- Web-based Local Only Editor
- Machine Learning: Action Recogntion
- Robot: Farming
- Segmentation
- Deep Learning : Review on Review
- Timezone
- Machine Learning Blog
- Downloader
- Research
- Adversarial AI
- Face Recognition
- Notebook
- ML Tools
- AI Learning
- Data Tools
- 3D Reconstruction
- Portable Server
- Fonts
- ML Project
- Visual Programming
- Webmention
- Downsampling Timeseries Chart
- 3D Processsing
- Distributed Storage
- Machine Learning Geophysics
- PC Based Object Tracking
- Alternative to Simulink
- AI Benchmark
- Deep Learning in C
- Lowlight Image Enhancement with Deep Learning
- Hacker Blog
- Paper
- Email flooder
- AI Draw
- Syllabus
- Renewable
- Spice Index
- Ideas Generator
- Research
- Google Search
- Keyboard Tools
- OS in Browser
- Google Fu Search
- Geocoder (Text Info to Coordinate)
- Research
- Anticounterfeit
- Sensor
2021 Q1
- Pipedream IFTTT like apps
- Click the beginning of the code block, then Shift+Click the end. That will select the entire block, which you can then copy normally.
Open Source Blog
- Skynet: The decentralized CDN and file sharing platform (like IPFS)
- Simple html only gmail
App List
Functional Web
- Ensembling is the use of several independently trained models to form an overall prediction. The basic idea of ensembling is that individual models have weaknesses in different areas, which are compensated by the combination with predictions of other independently trained models. Possible ensembling strategies are e.g. majority voting, the use of a weighted average based on classifier confidences, or simply using the arithmetic mean of several predictions of different models and model architectures
- Deskreen Deskreen is a free desktop app that makes any device with a web browser a second screen over WiFi. Deskreen can be used for mirror entire display to any device that has a web browser.
- Home - Wozi: Plant-based Flavor Enhancer : Miracle Berry
Microcontroller and Python
- adafruit/circuitpython: CircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers
- CircuitPython
Statistical Tools
- Shiny Server Daniel Lakens: Recovering data from summary statistics, App to perform simulation based power analysis for ANOVA designs
Flight Dynamics
CNN Sliced Inference
obss/sahi: A vision library for performing sliced inference on large images/small objects
Deep Learning Noise Cancellation
Meshtastic An open source, off-grid, hiking, climbing, skiing, GPS mesh communicator.
Similar to
Web-based Local Only Editor
Machine Learning: Action Recogntion
Robot: Farming
- One-Shot Medical Image Segmentation: All you need is one labeled image
Dense cellular segmentation for EM using 2D–3D neural network ensembles Scientific Reports
Deep Learning : Review on Review
Machine Learning Blog
Adversarial AI
Face Recognition
ML Tools
AI Learning
Data Tools
3D Reconstruction
- MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia™, deep learning technology to animate the faces in still family photos - MyHeritage
- AliaksandrSiarohin/first-order-model: This repository contains the source code for the paper First Order Motion Model for Image Animation
- First order model
Portable Server
ML Project
Visual Programming
Downsampling Timeseries Chart
- Simplify.js - a high-performance JavaScript 2D/3D polyline simplification library
- Flot - Downsample Plugin
3D Processsing
Distributed Storage
Machine Learning Geophysics
PC Based Object Tracking
- nuchi/multiobjecttracking: Multi-object tracking of water fleas from video. Detects dark blotches on light background, performs multi-object association, tracks them with Kalman filters.
- Critter.Camera
Alternative to Simulink
- OpenModelica
- Scicos from Scilab
AI Benchmark
Deep Learning in C
Lowlight Image Enhancement with Deep Learning
Hacker Blog
Email flooder
AI Draw
- Quick, Draw!
- googlecreativelab/quickdraw-dataset: Documentation on how to access and use the Quick, Draw! Dataset.
- jayelm/bad-flamingo: Fool the computer, but not your friends! Adversarial "Quick, Draw"
Spice Index
- Burlap & Barrel - Beautiful Spices, Equitably Sourced
- Geographic Spice Index
- Spice Up The World—Google Arts & Culture
Ideas Generator
Google Search
Keyboard Tools
OS in Browser
Google Fu Search
Geocoder (Text Info to Coordinate)
EURion constellation - Wikipedia
- Anti Counterfeit Measures
- One of the measures that prevent counterfeitting of banknotes.
- The currency-detection algorithms implemented by software packages (such as Adobe Photoshop and in Printer/Copier) are sophisticated and multi-level. Obfuscation of the Eurion, distortion, or even removal in some cases, still allows the package to detect that the image is that of currency. This implies other detection techniques are also employed